
I’ve been trying for the last couple of weeks to participate in Momalom‘s and Bad Mommy Moments’ weekly !!! of things that make me happy and moments of intentional happiness. But my writing has been getting away from me. Friday would come and I wouldn’t be ready or I’d have another post ready to roll. But I love this idea and think we could all stand to stop and remind ourselves of the little things that make us happy. Our crazy lives can sometimes make it hard to remember to do that. And so by participating, I’m forcing myself to think about little moments of !!!.Here are some from my week.

My caveat: I am not a technical genius, so my photos don’t look all artistic like Sarah’s and CK’s. Also, when taking the photos, I completely forgot to include the little !!! cards. So I added them after the fact. But you get the picture (if you look closely).

What could be better than a cute foot? Oh yes, a cute foot lounging in a stroller as we make our way around a community garage sale. Really, they know how to kick back and relax don’t they?

And even better than hanging out together is finding a great deal at said garage sale. Can you beat a brand new bike for $15? Well maybe. You beat it with the time it buys together for two of my favourite men. 

You’ve got to love a child who really gets into his food. In this case the food was ketchup. To each their own.

Warm weather has arrived. With it comes the pitter patter of bare baby feet, toddling all around the house. Big, big !!! I can’t get enough of the sound of it.
And of course, a week’s worth of !!! and moments of intentional happiness wouldn’t be complete without mentioning all of the great reading I’m finally finding time to do. I snuggle into bed when the kids are down. My kids go to bed very early, so this in and of itself is !!!  I might read blogs or any of the books that make up the mountain on my nightstand, but it’s all making me very, very !!!
What makes you
Intentional Happiness

Bad Mommy Moments !!!

Momalom !!!

25 thoughts on “!!!

  1. ck says:

    Yay! I love them! Little kid bare feet are the best. And reading refreshes me too. (I'm so jealous of your extensive book reading !!!s.)

  2. Jen says:

    YAY! My daughter lounges in her stroller just that way. So funny! I think companies should start marketing strollers as mini barca-loungers or something. Also, I love your low-tech !!!. Right up my alley. I can't comment on the chubby feet, because it makes me too damn sad that my kids' days of chubby feet are over and I'm not even certain I have a photo like yours. But, still, great !!! for this week!

  3. ShannonL says:

    Fun! They are all great, but I especially love kids lapping up all their food (even if it's for the ketchup) and bare baby feet (yummy!)! Each photo was like a mini "Where's Waldo?" – or a "Find the !!!" Loved it! 🙂

  4. Allison @ Alli 'n Son says:

    So many things to be !!! for. I love bare baby feet. P.S. This would be a great post to my Thank You Journal too. Come by and link up!

  5. Allison @ Alli 'n Son says:

    So many things to be !!! for. I love bare baby feet. P.S. This would be a great post to my Thank You Journal too. Come by and link up!

  6. Allison @ Alli 'n Son says:

    So many things to be !!! for. I love bare baby feet. P.S. This would be a great post to my Thank You Journal too. Come by and link up!

  7. Allison @ Alli 'n Son says:

    So many things to be !!! for. I love bare baby feet. P.S. This would be a great post to my Thank You Journal too. Come by and link up!

  8. Aging Mommy says:

    Oh I just love chubby bare baby feet!!! Lovely photos and !!! moments Christine – I love the picture of your son on his new bike with his Daddy at his side.

  9. Kate says:

    I love your list. One day I'll get mine together. Right now, both girls playing contentedly is pretty !!! And rediscovering the joy of reading. New baby sleeplessness take it away from me for a bit. I love little bare feet!!!

  10. Kristen @ Motherese says:

    Oh, these are so delicious! That photo of your baby licking his plate clean? Just further evidence that he and Tiny Baby are soul mates. And just another reason why I wish we lived closer: play dates!!!!

  11. Stacia says:

    Ketchup definitely earns a big !!! around here. And !!! for great finds at community garage sales! (Love that photo of your little guy with Daddy.)

  12. TKW says:

    Those are the cutest little pudgy feet. I'm dying to kiss them. Glad you had some !!! this week!

  13. Corinne says:

    Love your bits of !!! for the week 🙂 Especially the bike picture, that melts my heart!

  14. Mrs.Mayhem says:

    Those baby feet are so cute! Enjoy!

  15. Sarah says:

    Oh I needed this! I needed more !!! to gaze at, ponder, laugh and wrinkle my nose at. Chubby baby feet could make up an entire post on !!!xoxoS

  16. mummyjanie says:

    I love baby feet! And i love garage sale finds!My mum and I are going thrift store shopping tomorrow and I'm sure they'l be some !!!.Thank you for the reminder.

  17. Hear Mum Roar says:

    I'm with you on the pudgy feet, it's the best

  18. Nicki says:

    Love it! Really love the !!!

  19. Elizabeth Flora Ross says:

    I used to keep a gratitiude journal. At the end of every day, I would write down 5 things I was grateful for about that day. It couldn't be the usual – health, family, happiness. It had to be specific to that day. Some days it was really hard to come up w/5 things. Others I could write more. But it was a great exercise, and helped keep my perspective in check. I think I need to revive the practice…

  20. BigLittleWolf says:

    Oh, those precious little feet! Definitely worth a !!!I will say that watching Bethenny's Getting Married made me happy last night!!!The show was light and funny and really delightful. I laughed, and felt good for this woman who has had a tough life, and is finding happiness with her new marriage and baby, and a demanding but thriving career.For me – that hour of feeling lightened was definitely worthy of !!! Go figure…

  21. postmommy says:

    The baby feet. They are so !!!, aren't they? And I love when they shove their faces in to their plates. Especially because that means they actually ATE some of their dinner for once :p (Or wore it on their face…you know…whatever)

  22. Justine says:

    Chubby bare feet – the best! And licking the plate clean? I need to show my Little Miss this. Something for her to aspire to. Hey don't knock ketchup – isn't it a veggie serving?

  23. evaevolving says:

    These are totally !!!Oh my, that chubby little foot? Adorable! I could just eat it!

  24. Alex@LateEnough says:

    yummy baby feet (all other feet do NOT get !!!)and yay for reading a good book!

  25. Brittany at Mommy Words says:

    That all looks wonderful and I so agree – reading after the kids are in bed is heavenly! Your pics are beautiful!

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